Maidin Caife/Díolachán Cácaí chun tacú le Grace.
B’fhéidir go bhfuil cloiste agaibh go bhfuil duine de na daltaí í Rang a Trí ,Grace Ní Chinnfhaolaidh tinn agus bíonn uirthi dul go rialta go Ospideál Chroimlinne chun leigheas a fháil.
Chun cuid de na costais a mhaolú tá muid ag eagrú Maidin Chaifé/Díolachán Cácai ar a son i halla na scoile.
Má tá tú in ann cúnamh a thabhairt idir cácaí a bhácáil nó síntiús a bhronnadh bheimís an-bhuíoch.
You may have heard that one of our pupils, Grace Ní Chinnfhaolaidh from Rang a Trí is currently undergoing chemotherapy in Crumlin Hospital, and will be travelling to and from Galway and Dublin. As we are sure you are aware the cost of travel, accommodation, and the basic cost of living away from home will be very high.
Here at Gaelscoil Dara we are organising a Coffee Morning/ Cake Sale on 19/02/14 to raise money to help with some of these costs. We are appealing to all parents, teachers, and the whole school community to help us in making this Coffee Morning/Cake Sale a huge success by baking/buying, donating as generously as you can. Should you have any unwanted Christmas Gifts we would be very happy to use them also.