Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana (AGM)
Beidh an Cruinniú ar siúl ar 01/10/13 ag 7.30pm sa halla. Déanfar Coiste na dTuistí a thoghadh ag anAGM/Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana seo agus ba cheart go mbeadh tuismitheoir ó chuile chlann í láthair.
Tá folúntas do thuismitheoir baineann ar an mBord Bainistíochta. Tá na cruinnithe boird uilig tré mheán na Gaeilge agus dá bharr beidh Gaeilge líofa riachtanach. Mairfidh an post ar feadh dhá bhliain go dtí deireadh tréimhse an Bhoird reatha. Beidh toghachán ar an oíche i gcás beirte nó níos mó a bheith ainmhithe. Má tá suim agat bheith ar an mBord labhair leis an bPríomhoide idir an dá linn.
Beidh Helen Butler, aoi-chainteoir, ag labhairt faoi Chumarsáid le do pháistí agus leis an scoil agus ag plé le bulaíocht chomh maith.
We are holding our AGM on 01/10/13 at 7.30pm sa halla. A new Parents Committee will be elected for the coming year and each family should be represented at the meeting.
We have a vacancy on the Board of Management for a parent nominee (Female). As the Board of Management meetings are “as Gaeilge”, fluency in Irish is a prerequisite.
The position is for a 2 year period until the end of the present Board of Management term. An election will be held on the night in the event of there being more than one nominee. Please contact the principal in the meantime if interested in putting your name forward.
Helen Butler guest speaker, youth information co-ordinator with Youth work Ireland in Galway will also address parents about communicating with your child and communicating with your school and will also be incorporating “bullying in her speech.